- [Case report] Shoulder-joint
[Case report] Shoulder-joint
English ver.[Frozen shoulder][Stiff shoulder][Round shoulder]
You might be concerned your shoulder in pain and stiffness.
Known as “Frozen shoulder” or “Stiff shoulder” which usually occur after 50’s…but recently for those who are 30’s you are already experiencing it.
Due to Covid-19, most of you are working at home with different environment (ie., desk, chair, computer, and less exercise, nutrition, stress), we see a lot of patients with shoulder problems. “Round shoulder” is also a big factor (photo).
You might be also heard “Shoulder Impingement” which can be lead to future “Frozen shoulder”. So here we explain it briefly.
□Frozen shoulder (syndrome):The feature is to be contracted, and most likely you are not able to raise your arm or less.
- Acute (inflammation) phase:You are concerned during night, and any resting positions. You might be having extreme pain when move it, and then you do not want to move it after all.
- Chronic (contracture) phase:You might be experienced not having a pain during night, but only if you don’t force to move. Your shoulder range of motion is much less which called “contracture”.
- Healing phase:Slowly, your range of motion gets better and you can finally start having back in normal life. But of course, most of you are still having less shoulder range of motion.
□Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
- Overall, you do not feel much of contracted your shoulder muscles, however you might feel a pain from a range between 60-120°when you either raise or drop arms, called “Painful arch”. Once you are reached nearly top of your head, then you should not be feeling much of pain or less.
Anyhow, you should be treated immediately if you notice any of those signs.
We are here to offer you the top of tops treatment in Japan for your any physical concern.
Tadaaki Kizu, and Taizo Kasuya
Tadaaki Kizu:Over 200,000 patients treated in 35 years of experience as WHO standard chiropractor. One of the best practitioners in Japan based in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. A Director of KIZU Chiropractic, A President of Posture Science, 100+ lectures given, and collaborate researches with top business organizations.
Taizo Kasuya:Former professional soccer player, Former Liverpool FC & Tranmere Rovers FC physical trainer & scientist, worked with many Olympians over 20 different sports categories. Body performance coordinator and WHO standard chiropractor with nutrition and sleep knowledge.
English ver.[Shoulder Impingement Syndrome]
Today, we see many patients with shoulder problems.
5 NEW patients came to visit us yesterday concerned about shoulder in pain and dysfunction.
So, here from previous topic. “The mechanism of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome”
Blue arrow is the direction when your INNER MUSCLES are activated. On the other hand, Red arrow is when your OUTER MUSCLES are activated.
If a head of Humerus follows red arrow, a space in coraco-acrominal arch will be narrower. If you can activate INNER MUSCLES to follow blue arrow, then a head of Humerus is correctly rotated which will have an enough space in coraco-acrominal arch. This is most likely the onset of shoulder impingement.
It is not which is important of inner or outer muscles, but rather it is how you use them correctly.
Next topic, “how we fix the shoulder problem”.
Office Information
KIZU chiropractic
〒103-0027, 2F of 2nd Chuo-building, 3-8-6 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Open:Week – 7:00~20:00 / Weekend – 7:00~17:00
Closed:to be announced
Staff Introduction for English available
DR., Yoshiki Igarashi:WHO standard Doctor of Chiropractic, National licensed of Judo Healing Practitioner. With over 30 years experiences, served as a head of multiple organizations and schools in USA, Australia, and Japan.
DC., Hiroshi Sasaki:WHO standard Ph.D. Chiropractic. With over 13 years experiences, chiropractor and researcher in Australia and Japan.
DC., Taizo Kasuya:WHO standard Doctor of Chiropractic, Body Coordinator, and Mphil., Sports physiology. With over 15 years experiences, former professional soccer player, former Liverpool FC team trainer & scientist, worked with many Olympians and over 1,000 athletes in 20 different sports.
Comments:Hi, with my experiences and skills, I am here to set your fundamental health with chiropractic care, body coordination training, nutrition and sleep advise for both general population and athletes. Please visit me!